What could the Paris of the future look like?
In 2015 Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Presented the Paris Smart City 2050 project to transform Paris into a futuristic city of the future, which should be realized by 2050.
Project inspired by nature
The main idea of the project is to repatriate nature and the countryside to the city and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Paris by 75% and translate english to french. To put it more clearly, the designers want to reduce carbon emissions through greenery. The city will install vertical gardens, windmill towers, anti-smog towers, photosynthesis towers, and, of course, even more new trees will be planted.
About the architect
Vincent Callebo is an architect who devoted all his projects to trying to somehow bring the solution of world environmental problems closer. The architect in his projects draws attention to the problem of water supply, the problem of urban overpopulation, the problem of pollution of nature by urban industrial waste and smog, as well as the problem of global warming and rising ocean levels. Vincent is an architect looking to the future. In addition to the Paris Smart City 2050 project, Callebaut has several other unique projects, here are some of them:
Lilypad project in Monaco (response to potential flooding of many coastal areas)
Physalia project (Physalia ship is designed to travel along rivers and purify river water)
Dragonfly project (vertical farm)
Vincent Callebaut on the Paris Smart City 2050 project
Edible architecture suitable for growing various trees and food, regenerative and organic facades, green roofs, smart gardens, recycled waste – all this is about the Paris Smart City 2050 project. Vincent Callebaut says: “Turning our cities into ecosystems, our neighborhoods into forests and our buildings into inhabited trees – that’s our creed.” So what is the end goal for 2050? “Repatriation of nature and the countryside to the city, transformation of the energy-intensive city into a nutritious biotope and transformation of citizens into gardeners” is what the architect of the future is after.
Paris now
It is worth noting that the Paris City Hall did not wait until 2050 and translate english to french correctly. In parallel with Paris Smart City 2050, a green campaign was launched in the city, during which every Parisian received the right to grow decorative green spaces near their property. So everyone can contribute!
Well, the project of Vincent Callebo, for now, we can only wait until 2050. It would seem that an unrealizable future is just around the corner!